I’ll get you a tattoo!

Hello and nice that you found your way here. I’m Emma Externbrink, I study at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne and work as a freelance tattoo artist at the same time.

I started tattooing passionately in my free time back in 2018, but now it has become a very special project close to my heart. I love designing my own motifs, discovering new styles and developing the perfect tattoo for you together!

Tattoos literally get under your skin and, just like the smallest laugh lines in the corner of your eye, are signs of your experiences and tell their very own stories. No matter whether it’s a spontaneous free-style tattoo or a long-considered motif…

So if you’d like to join me in a creative exchange, immerse yourself in the world of tattoo art and adorn yourself with a unique motif, you’ve come to the right place!

Ideas, sketches and stencils from my notepad

Latest tattoos in my Instagram account

Let's get in touch!

3 + 8 =